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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I book?


You can book online using the link on the 'book an appointment' page or alternatively you can contact the clinic via email Alternatively you can give the clinic a call on 01228 599133.

What are your opening hours?


Clinic opening hours are:

Monday 2-5pm

Tuesday 11-7pm

Wednesday 8.45am-2pm 3:30pm-5pm 

Thursday 11-7pm

Friday 8.45am-2pm


Is chiropractic regulated?


Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession that is regulated by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC). Chiropractors are only permitted to practice if they are registered with the GCC.

What should I wear?


Loose fitting comfortable clothing, such as sportswear is best. Treatment and assessment is generally carried out fully clothed, however for certain aspects of assessment it may be required to remove some outer layers of clothing. A gown can be provided for your comfort or bring along a pair of shorts and a vest top. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to the chiropractor.

What do I need to bring with me?


To make the first consultation run smoothly it would be helpful if you brought with you:

  • A list of all current medication and dosages (including any vitamins and supplements)

  • Any Doctors letters or medical reports relating to your current condition

What will happen at my first appointment?


At your initial appointment a full medical history is taken by the chiropractor. You will be asked about your current condition but also about past and current illnesses, medication, previous accidents and surgeries to ensure that Chiropractic is a safe and appropriate treatment for your symptoms.


After discussing your history you will undergo an series of health checks and a physical examination including range of motion, neurological and orthopaedic assessments. I will explain what I’m doing and why as I go along, but do feel free to ask questions.  Testing helps to determine the reason for your pain and how to help you effectively. There is no treatment given at your initial consultation. 


Following your initial consultation you will attend a results session where we discuss findings from your initial consultation and your proposed plan of care. If you decide to go ahead with care you will also have your first adjustment during this visit. 


Initial consultation = 50mins 

Results session = 30mins 

How long will follow up appointments be?


Follow up appointments are 20 minutes. 

How many sessions will I need?


This will be discussed at your results session as it is entirely individual. The number of sessions required varies greatly from person to person and depending on the condition, however generally the longer a condition has been present the longer it takes to improve. Your treatment plan will be agreed together with your chiropractor after your initial assessment has taken place. 


Your progress is reviewed regularly to allow for re-evaluation of your care plan or referral to alternative healthcare practitioners (such as your GP) to ensure you receive the most appropriate care.

Chiropractic in Pregnancy?


​Chiropractic is a safe, drug-free and gentle treatment that may help to alleviate the stresses of pregnancy on the body and after birth. Our adjustment techniques are adjusted to allow a safe and comfortable treatment.

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