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About Chiropractic


What is Chiropractic?


Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession specialising in the health and function of the spine and the neuro-musculoskeletal system and how conditions affecting these areas can affect your health and performance.


Chiropractors are trained to assess the body and identify restrictions, imbalances and dysfunction, adjustments are then used to help to restore natural movement to these joints.


Due to the focus on the spine many people think Chiropractors are limited to helping back pain, neck pain and headaches. While this is true there is much more to chiropractic care than getting rid of pain. At Body Logic we believe that Chiropractic has a role to play in total health and well-being and helping people to function at their optimum potential.


Rachel utilises McTimoney technique which is a low force technique, recognised for being a precise, gentle and a whole-body approach to chiropractic care. As with any form of chiropractic the primary goal is to ensure optimum joint alignment, mobility and function. In addition to spinal and peripheral joint adjustments and mobilisations, during your treatment we may also discuss exercise, self-help, diet and lifestyle where appropriate.

How Can it Help Me?


Chiropractic is particularly recognised for the treatment of back and neck pain, however, it is useful for many other musculoskeletal conditions of the body.


Some of the common conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care are:


  • General, acute and chronic back pain

  • Joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis as an adjunct to core OA treatments and exercise

  • Generalised aches and pains

  • Lumbago

  • Mechanical neck pain

  • Joint pains

  • Headache arising from the neck

  • Migraine prevention

  • Sciatica

  • Muscle spasms

  • Cramp

  • Ankle sprain (short term management)

  • Minor sporting injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis (short term management)

  • Shoulder complaints

  • Soft tissue disorders of the shoulder (dysfunction, disorder and pain)

  • Elbow pain and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck (but not isolated occurrences)

  • Rotator cuff injuries, disease or disorders


Used regularly a package of chiropractic care can help to maintain good posture, promote health and improve performance, regardless of if you are an elite athlete or simply enjoy getting out in the garden. There is no upper or lower age limit to receiving chiropractic care.

What to Expect


At your initial appointment a full medical history is taken by the chiropractor. You will be asked about your current condition but also about past and current illnesses, medication, previous accidents and surgeries to ensure that Chiropractic is a safe and appropriate treatment for your symptoms.


After discussing your history you will undergo an series of health checks and a physical examination including range of motion, neurological and orthopaedic assessments. Testing helps to determine the reason for your pain and how to help you effectively.

We will discuss options for treatment and choose what fits best with your lifestyle and goals. Part of your care may involve actions for you to implement at home that will aid your progress, such as stretches. All treatments are individually tailored to you.


If we feel that your problem is not suitable for chiropractic care or further investigation is required, we will liase with your GP and other health care providers (with your permission) to arrange an appropriate referral.

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